I am a full stack Rails developer, located in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Senior Software Engineer
Feb. 2022 - PresentSenior Software Engineer at One Click Politics. Modernized an archaic Monolith application into modernized Rails Microservices utilizing Docker images on AWS.
July 2021 - Jan 2022Senior Software Engineer. Maintained a Rails Monolith. Introduced Continous Integration and automated testing. Built React soft phone system and auditing system.
November 2017 - July 2021Full stack Rails Engineer, and Scrum Master at Enspire software. Created multiple different software solutions, for customers. Technologies used: Ruby on Rails, node.js, Rails CMS, IOS, Andriod, Javascript, Bootstrap, RubyMotion, Magento, Minitest, Cucumber, Jenkins CI.
November 2015 - CurrentFull Stack Rails Engineer. Maintained a large codebase, Devops experience in Chef, and Docker. As well as acting as a liason between Squaremouth and it's Carriers.
June 2012 - October 2015At July 2013,I graduated from college and started my IT technology tour.
Jul. 2013Rails
Agile Developement
Project management, Payroll, and Workflow digitization for Don R. Fruchey Inc.
Deister Machine Managment and Documentation System with an API for the mobile applications
Comprehensive Digital Advocacy Solutions for Companies, Associations, and Nonprofits.